You can walk the stairs yourself with the Mippaa Stair Trainer #moneymom_en

You take them by the hand, but soon find their own way. Already after almost 2 years I notice that Mats is becoming more independent. He'd rather do it himself first. After a bit of fumbling, I ask if maybe we should help. He then nods "yes" extensively. A small step for him, but a big one for me. Don't get me wrong; I like to see him grow and start developing his own 'I'. This independence also makes me proud of him. I just always thought children were so dependent and totally inflexible. All their children's lives... but that's how you see that that can only be the perspective of an outsider. I know better now. -> By the way, Mats thinks he's perfectly capable of going down the stairs on his own with this stairtrainer from @mippaaproducts. He's really good at it, too, but hey... I'll stand by it: )
